The directors handle all activities and ongoings throughout the year with FEST, from social events and mixers to fundraising and study rooms, the directors provide FEST with its livelihood. We love our directors!

Professional Development Director
Major: Aerospace Engineering
Hometown: Keller, TX
Fun Fact: I was fourth grade chess club team captain 🫡
FESTimonal: "Joining FEST was the best decision I made for myself my freshman year, it made my transition to college so much easier, and gave me some of my closest friends."

Student Development Director
Major: Biomedical Engineering
Hometown: Southlake, TX
Fun Fact: I broke my collarbone 3 weeks into my first semester here
FESTimonal: "FEST has provided me with so many fun memories, and I have created many lifelong bonds with amazing people! FEST has truly made my college experience special, and I am pumped to be a part of it again this year."​​​​​​

Engagement Director
Major: Computer Science
Hometown: San Antonio, TX
Fun Fact: I peaked in high school (that's why I haven't gotten any taller since then)
FESTimonal: "If I didn't join FEST I'd probably still be a bed-ridden gremlin that only sees the sun when he ventures into the outside realm in search of fast food."

Engagement Director
Major: Computer Science
Hometown: Keller, TX
Fun Fact: I have a severe chapstick dependency
FESTimonal: "Being in FEST has given me a community of my favorite people, resources to succeed, and a safe space for adjusting to college life. I don’t know how I would’ve survived freshman year without FEST!"

External Director
Major: Biomedical Science
Hometown: Houston, TX
Fun Fact: I love Star Wars! Enough that my dog is named Obi <3
FESTimonal: "FEST has been such a great opportunity to be surrounded by people who know the struggles of being in the STEM field. But then taking that and creating amazing friendships and experiences out of it!"

External Director
Major: Mechanical Engineering
Hometown: Victoria, TX
Fun Fact: I can use a cup to stack dice.
FESTimonal: "Joining FEST single-handedly saved my semester last year. It has given me so many friends, memories, and opportunities."

Internal Director
Major: Ocean Engineering
Hometown: San Antonio, TX
Fun Fact: I’m an Eagle Scout
FESTimonal: "FEST was an amazing experience that helped me put my roots in college station, and succeed in college from very early on. I’ve met some amazing people, ones that I know will be in my life for a very long time!"

Internal Director
Major: Biomedical Engineering
Hometown: McKinney, TX
Fun Fact: I fractured my wrist on my third ever day of snowboarding
FESTimonal: "I made some of my closest friends in FEST and I couldn’t imagine my freshmen year without them. This is an org that will stick with you and always be up to making memories!"

Service Director
Major: Industrial Systems Engineering
Hometown: Columbia, MO
Fun Fact: I am emotionally attached to my purple STANLEY water bottle like a baby with its blankie and you will NEVER see me without it
FESTimonal: "FEST has brought me together with both the brightest and funniest people A&M has to offer ! I’ve met all my best friends through it!"

Retreat Director
Major: Mechanical Engineering
Hometown: Friendswood, TX
Fun Fact: I have a weiner corgi dog
FESTimonal: "FEST has allowed me to build many relatiosnhips with amazing people that have also given me unforgettable memories during my freshman year."

Marketing Director
Major: Mechanical Engineering
Hometown: Houston, TX
Fun Fact: I am a triplet and both my siblings also go to A&M
FESTimonal: "FEST has truly given me so much. I have met some of my best friends here, and I have such a phenomenal support system here. Whether it is academics or personal, the people here have taught me so much."

Fundraising Director
Major: Aerospace Engineering
Hometown: Houston, TX
Fun Fact: I've lived in 5 different countries
FESTimonal: "FEST has brought me some of my best friends, and memories that led to an amazing freshman year! Whether it was grabbing food or staying in a study room late, we were always having so much fun together!"