Recruitment and the application period for FEST take place during the beginning of each fall semester at Texas A&M. Applications are hosted via Get Involved and will consist of a series of free-response questions. Chosen applications will progress to the interview period, after which final selections will be made. All application notifications will be distributed through Get Involved. We can't wait to find our Class of 2028 Freshmen!
August 24th - September 13th, 2024
The recruitment period is super helpful in allowing you to get to know FEST and FEST to get to know you! We highly recommend joining us for as many recruitment events as you'd like.
August 24th | 5-7PM: All FLO Meet & Greet (Aggie Park)
August 25th | 12-4PM: MSC Open House (MSC)
August 26th - August 30th | Bannering (Zachry, MSC)
August 27th | 7-8PM: All FLO Informational (Koldus 146)
August 28th | 5-6PM: Informational #1 (ILCB 226)
September 3rd - September 6th | Bannering (Commons, Sbisa, Zachry)
September 4th | 5-9PM: Blaze Meet & Greet (Blaze Pizza)
September 6th | 6-8:30PM: FEST Open House (Aggie Park)
September 9th - 10th | Bannering (Commons, Zachry)
September 10th - 12th | 11-3PM: Zach Room Meet & Greets (Zach 215)
September 11th | 6-7PM: Informational #2 (ILCB 205)
August 27th, 2024
All application processes will be hosted via Get Involved! Our application consists of a series of free response questions, and we recommend getting started on your application early. FEST wants to know who you are, so make sure you are thoughtful and intentional in your responses!
September 13th, 2024
Don't forget to turn in your application! Once all applications have been reviewed, selected prospective FESTies will receive the opportunity to interview with FEST. Shortly following interviews, decisions will be made, and FEST will have 50 awesome freshmen!